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OK so I have made a Store in Freeside it has been fine then I decided to add some navmesh and other things, now when I go to a certain area in my house I get stuck I cannot move at all, the game is still runnnig fine but I cannot move at all. Does anyone know what is going on here?
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I'm pretty new to modding NV myself but I did take a look at your mod. It looks like you have over 2000 misc. items (SS, NukaCola, Whisky, Wine...) in that one room store. My guess is that you are suffering game stutter waiting for all that stuff to load/redraw when you move. Your navmesh looks fine to me but I'm far from an expert and I think the navmesh is only for NPC's anyway. I'd try removing about 9/10 of those items and see if the freeze goes away. A dozen NukaCola refrigerators on one wall may a bit much too.
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I'm pretty new to modding NV myself but I did take a look at your mod. It looks like you have over 2000 misc. items (SS, NukaCola, Whisky, Wine...) in that one room store. My guess is that you are suffering game stutter waiting for all that stuff to load/redraw when you move. Your navmesh looks fine to me but I'm far from an expert and I think the navmesh is only for NPC's anyway. I'd try removing about 9/10 of those items and see if the freeze goes away. A dozen NukaCola refrigerators on one wall may a bit much too.


I got the problem sorted now, It was one of the doors I had set to automatic door, so every time I went near it, it would try to send me somewhere but I hadn't linked the door to go anywhere, just unchecked it and it is working fine now. Thank you for your reply though! cheers

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