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My house


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I want a family estate, one that has seen a happy loving family. One that grew and changed with the family through many generations. A house I inherit. Second floor, bedrooms for young and old.

First floor, kitchen, dining room, library, sitting room and a show room for all the family's trophies. A basement for all crafting, including smelter and wood chopping. Greatgranddad was interested in crafting weapons and armor, one side of the basement was his man cave. Greatgrandma was into alchemy and enchanting, after all she had children to look after and keep well. She was in charge of the other side of the basement. Oh and if you want there could be a skeleton in a closet or two. Of course storage is important also. Thanks for reading and I appreciate any feedback and comments. There are some wonderful mods out there and many talented people. Thank you each and everyone for adding enjoyment to a great game, to my game. You guys are great.

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As I told you in chat, I'm going to attempt to build this, but no real promises. I'm new to modding, but I wanted to build a house for myself and this is close enough to my own ideas.


And now off to lay the foundations!



Thank you very much, have fun and good luck.

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