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Diplomatic Immunity Invitation Bug


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I somehow can't get inside the embassy. When you're meant to give the invitation I just get the response "Need something?" over and over again.


At first I thought it was caused by a mod I used but I later delved into the net and found out that, in my case, this only occurs when you have killed any thalmor in the game during your play, which I have done. > Information from Sky Wiki <

I'm the kind of individual that likes to play the Main Quest line last and do all the side quests first, and been playing for 150 hours, I would have at least came across 1 thalmor in my travels but it seems really flawed if this is the case but then again, Skyrim has so many bugs it doesn't surprise me anymore.


Was wondering if anyone can help me with this issue please, thanks.


P.S. I play PC so I just thought if there's a command to advance a storyline maybe? But as of now, it seems broken at this point and I hope this is not the case :'[

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I somehow can't get inside the embassy. When you're meant to give the invitation I just get the response "Need something?" over and over again.


At first I thought it was caused by a mod I used but I later delved into the net and found out that, in my case, this only occurs when you have killed any thalmor in the game during your play, which I have done. > Information from Sky Wiki <

I'm the kind of individual that likes to play the Main Quest line last and do all the side quests first, and been playing for 150 hours, I would have at least came across 1 thalmor in my travels but it seems really flawed if this is the case but then again, Skyrim has so many bugs it doesn't surprise me anymore.


Was wondering if anyone can help me with this issue please, thanks.


P.S. I play PC so I just thought if there's a command to advance a storyline maybe? But as of now, it seems broken at this point and I hope this is not the case :'[

If you can be sure you have the latest update and go back to a save before you meet Malborn. That may help set things right. If not you could try to disable the guard then enable him.

Use the `/` key to open the console while facing guard

left click the guard near the middle of chest or some where you are sure to get the right model

type disable and enter

immediately type enable enter

use the `/` key to exit the console


I don't know if this will work but some times it will reset an actor.

If that fails you could try replacing the two commands above with kill and resurrect.


If that still does not work maybe make sure you have the right quest stage?


GetStage MQ201


lastly 1.10 SetObjectiveCompleted <quest id> <stage value> <1 to set, 0 to unset>

Used to set the quest stage as being completed or uncompleted. Use command ShowQuestTargets for quest IDs and player.sqs to show how many stages there are. (Useful for bugged quests; e.g. if you picked up a copy of The Old Ways before you got the quest to do so you would use SetObjectiveCompleted MGR20 10 1 to complete the objective of getting the book, and SetStage MGR20 20 to advance the quest to the next stage).


5 Quest Stages here you can find a stage you could force.


here you could find a cell you could console coc into SkyrimSearch.com - List of Skyrim Cells - Teleport Locations in Skyrim

like 0007C98B Thalmor Embassy ThalmorEmbassy01

Edited by Apprentice Harper
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