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Staff of Sheogorath


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Well, I don't you know about you, but I was kind of dissapointed when I recieved the complete staff. The staff has great potential (the entire "stopping enemies where they stand" is great) but then it has to go and make them invincible. That would have been fine if the staff has many uses, but you only get about 10 of them and it has 20000 of those points, so it's very difficult to recharge it.

All I want is to make the people I hold in place vunerable.

I've searched the forums for a request similar to mine, as well as tesnexus for mods that have the same effect, but I haven't managed to come up with anything. Making a mod like this doesn't too difficult, but I don't know a thing about modding.

Thanks for reading, and if you find a mod that does such a thing, please post a link.

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