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Like the description says, is there any way to add a skybox to a custom interior cell? I'm making a player home and I would like my forge/armory cell to have a view of the sky from the inside. I can't seem to find anything online about actually doing it.


Any input? Thank you!

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I'm not sure because I've never tried it, but I think you can add the sky to an interior cell. The menus would suggest that this is possible.


Anyway, try this. After loading your mod in the CK, right click on it in the Cell View window and select Edit. Go to the Lighting tab and on the right hand side there is tick box with Show Sky next to it. Put a tick in it and select a region from the dropdown menu below. Try WeatherWhiterun (for good weather) :) and then put a tick in the box that says Use Sky Lighting.


Let us know if it works. (knowing the CK, it probably doesn't) :facepalm:

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Worked! Unfortunately it was raining when I loaded it, lmao. Now gotta find one that always has nice weather!

Glad to hear it.

As I said, I seen the setting, but as yet, I've never had the need to try it. Maybe put it to good use on my next mod (if I ever get this one finished).


Learned somrthing new :thumbsup:


[Edit] It may be possible to leave the Region dropdown menu set at NONE, for good weather.

Edited by Tamb0
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That's what I did, but the problem now is that a roof doesnt exactly shield light in any way...


Edit: NONE still has weather which penetrates the roof. >.>


Edit again: There are weatherxxxnoprecip options to use, I just picked tundra. Also I unchecked use sky lighting so maybe that won't light everything up. I'll have to mess with it I suppose.

Edited by EbilPpl
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That's what I did, but the problem now is that a roof doesnt exactly shield light in any way...


Edit: NONE still has weather which penetrates the roof. >.>


Edit again: There are weatherxxxnoprecip options to use, I just picked tundra. Also I unchecked use sky lighting so maybe that won't light everything up. I'll have to mess with it I suppose.

I think there is a way to fix that as well. Again, as of yet, I've never tried this either.


You can make a roombound and assign it a specific Image Space and Lighting Template in the Bound Data tab. This might override the sky weather, meaning that you won't get rain and sunshine indoors.


Watch the video tutorial on roombounds. It might come under optimisation. Also it doesn't go into a lot of detail about the things I've just mentioned. Play around with it and test it for yourself.

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