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Static ID Numbers for Mod's Spells (think COBL)


I approve of this idea (SIDs)  

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I use Extra Hotkeys, and there are other mods that do (or would) refer to Spell ID's in order to function. The problem is, that those ID's move around based on what your load order is. By creating a static list, ala BOSS, meant for IDs of mods out there, players will be able to refer to the spells of other mods without worry about failure. Even Extra Hotkeys, which loses the ID of Spells when the load order changes (but not weapons for some reason...) would be fixed.


This would require a hands on modder(s), one able to constantly update over time to keep the lists up to date, and work with patches and updates from the mods that come. Along with that, the modders themselves would need to communicate in a nice thread (or site) and call dibs on their numbers to make sure things don't overlap.


We'll call this mod SIDs in this thread. Static I.Ds.


Added poll for those who want to throw in their 2 cents without taking the time to post. Cheers.

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