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Enhanced Character Edit - Revisions


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Moving this topic to the SE Creation Kit....


Hi Modders,

I hopefully have a rather easy question to ask about editing an existing mod or expanding an existing mod.

From my mod list I have Enhanced Character Edit installed and I have Alternate Start - Live Another Life installed. I actually really like the additional sliders and how the Characters could potentially turn out with those sliders in the ECE mod. However, I can't see my character in the first place to edit him properly.

In the Alternate Start prison, when you zoom out there is a support beam that blocks the view, you can't see your character at all. You can zoom in just a little bit and see a pretty good upper torso perspective of your character. The issue here is if you add height to your character then your head will be above the camera. There is no way to see the edits you are making to the lower torso, legs, feet, hands, butt, or tail. There is no ability to rotate your character 360 degrees to see the backside and no way to zoom out far enough to see your character in total. In addition, there is no way to see the muscle make up for your character, which is due to the clothing on your character.

I would like to make some (hopefully easy) edits to this mod to allow the character to be naked or clothed in underwear while in the Enhanced Character Edit screen. In addition, I would like to be able to fully rotate 360 degrees and zoom out in order to see your full character. Basically, the way that the 3rd person POV allows you to zoom out entirely and fully rotate around your character is what I would like to be able to use while having the slides for ECE up in order to edit my character.

What I have done so far is pull up this mod in SSE Edit, from what I can see there is a bunch of presets for each race that do say clothing as the armor type, but when I try to change that there is two other options, either light armor or heavy armor, there is not an option for none. That I feel would solve the clothing problem because this would only occur in the prisoner cell for Alternate start. Once you choose your options your inventory would be updated as well as your armor based on your choice.

As far as the camera goes, I know that when playing Elder Scrolls Online, you get a full frontal view of your character with the ability to fully rotate 360 degrees and then when you move the face menu it zooms in to view the face while still allowing for full 360 degree rotation.

I am really hoping this can be done either in SSE edit or the Creation Kit. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Pretty sure I replied to this before.


Just hit R, end character creation, unequip clothing, move away from the wall, then call showracemenu from the console and edit to your liking.

Old ECE had camera moving functionalities but this one doesn't for whatever reason. If I need to adjust something not in normal view, I use TFC, position the camera, then showracemenu. It will display the camera position you chose in TFC.

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Well I did a couple things to solve this, the first was loading Alternate start into the creation kit and moving the starting position marker away from the wall, which is cool because that allows the zoom function of ECE to work properly. However, it doesn't fix the clothes issues, so I screwed around with the scripts a bit and tried to trick the scripts into adding a set of gauntlets and shoes instead of the prisoner tunic and the shoes, it didn't work so I reverted back to the pressing R and removing clothes option and then using the console to showracemenu. I will give the TFC console another shot, I couldn't get that to work with showracemenu. It was just bringing me to the showracemenu camera instead.

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- It was just bringing me to the showracemenu camera instead.


That's weird. I do it like this:


stand in a clear position


put the camera where I need it


It does the usual zoom but after that, it jumps to the tfc camera

edit what I need


Naming/saving character



While I'm pretty sure what you want to do is doable, the people in-the-know either aren't around anymore, or don't bother sharing the knowledge.

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