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Lucid Dynamix - Free Beta


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Hesitant? Why..?


They appear to have come up with some interesting tech. From what I've read, it works amazingly well. I'd use it but I'm on a quad core and hardly what they would consider their 'target audience'. If you run an i5/Notebook I'd give it a go, and report back here.

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I'm not in their target audience either so no point in me trying it. I guess if you are on a low end pc and really need that extra performance to make the game playable it might be worth it. I'm just hesitant about trying certain programs and mods until they have been out for a while and the bugs are worked out. Probably why I have so many mods installed with no issues at all. People sometimes go a little overboard with modding just because they think something looks cool without bothering to read the readme and comments and then wonder why their game is broken. But if I were unable to run Skyrim with my current pc I would probably give this a try.
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