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Mysterious disappearing cliff...


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Hi all!


I'm in the final stages of testing a mod I've been working on. I did some work to an outdoor cell in Tamriel using a cliff piece (MountainCliff03), one of several I added to the landscape.


I am having an issue where the cliff piece is not visible upon the FIRST load of a game, but the data is in the CK/esp info, and the the piece will show up as intended upon subsequent loads, as in after going into a building and then back outside.


However, the visual bug always returns when the game and rebooted and loaded for the first time, even with a brand new Level 1 "test" character I created. Also, the bug always goes away after entering and exiting a building (any load door, actually).



Any thoughts on what might be causing this? I did reduce the scale size of the piece to 49% (0.490) of the original, could that be the issue? Or the rotation? (EDIT: I just now tried adjusting scale to an even 50% / 0.5, and that did not help.)


Thanks for any suggestions to help me solve this issue, I hope to be releasing the mod within the next week...

Edited by entropiachrome
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A quick search and you would have found several posts with the same problem and how to fix it.


Click here


It's not a great solution and can cause a lot of ingame lag, but unless you want to create your own LOD data, it's about the only thing that's working at the moment.

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I'll give the LOD a try (I don't even know what that stands for but I'll look it up). :biggrin:


Thanks for the headsup Tamb0. I obviously didn't do a search, but it honestly didn't even cross my mind that this bug might be a common one with other threads on the forum. We'll see if I can get the mod finalized and tested over the next few days, I'm itchin' to release it on Nexus as I've been working on it a month now...


I'd actually like to start PLAYING Skyrim again. :tongue:

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