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Predator Vision Balanced


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*Edit* I found a compromise mod https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/65028/




As much as I love this mod it really does feel overpowered most of the time. There are a few changes that would really improve it and make it less game-breaking.


1. A range range slider in SKYUI (For how far out the glow renders on NPCs) would be nice, as it works at the maximum render distance currently and its a bit ridiculous. Perhaps a glow fade as the distance increases?


2. Some kind of glare effect when used during the daytime outdoors, in bright sunlight, making it unusable.


3. A very dull purple trail for undead with much less range then for living creatures. Maybe a slider and fade for this one as well.

Edited by XasilaydyingX
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