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Your Characters


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Hi all, i was just browsing the image section of the skyrim nexus, and saw sooo many different characters on there. I had a thought that it would be nice if, instead of having all the pictures of your characters that you (if you are anything like me) spent a VERY long time perfecting to your vision, lost in the thousands of images on the nexus to probably never be seen again we could show them off here along with any backstory you may have made up for them :)


I personally find it very interesting seeing the different characters people come up with, and often wonder how the people who made them play with that character. Do they use the polite conversation choices or the up in your face ones? Are they murderous don't-give-a-damn characters or the type of character that feels bad every time they have to stab up an angry bear? Are they on the side of the Imperials or the Stormcloaks?? This kind of information isnt available in the images section.


I will start with mine..




This is Tallon who is my male character, he is a Ranger/Wanderer/Adventurer type character who is a bit of a loner and often finds himself in fist-fights with "I'm the best fighter around here' arrogant types. He will do most jobs if the coin is right, within reason. He does have a heart and a concience, even if it is hidden.


http://i1079.photobucket.com/albums/w510/Marked_0ne/wynter2SMALLER.png http://i1079.photobucket.com/albums/w510/Marked_0ne/wynter1SMALLER.png


And this is Wynter. Wynter grew up with the theives guild (thanks to the AMAZING Alternate Start - Live Another Life mod by Arthmoor i could actually start a new game with her already joined with them :) ) after being 'adopted' by them after her she was found by one of their members, hiding under an upturned carriage near the scene where her parents were murdered by bandits when she was just a child. She has a bit of an attitude problem, often being sarcastic in coversations with the residents of skyrim, but she does occasionally reveal a sweet, caring side to her when helping others. She has a deep hatred for bandits, and often tests her archery skills picking off guards from the top of walls around bandit owned forts.


They are my two characters so far, anyone else like to share?

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Morwyn Kelm - In the gallery you only see the pictures, i would like to know the storys of others characters as there are a lot of interesting looking characters in the gallery but no story to them!


Staind716 - cool armor and wings! i was thinking of doing a magic-orientated more fantasy-ish character for my next one :)

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Is this not the SKYRIM GENERAL DISCUSSIONS area? Is there not an "INSERT IMAGE" option just above where you write your posts? Is this not discussing our characters with a couple of pictures? WHY should i try a blog when there is a FORUM with a GENERAL DISCUSSION area for the game SKYRIM just to learn about other people's characters?
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This is what the gallery is for.

Stop trolling this thread. These is so little discussion of characters this is the perfect place for players to share their character's background and story. This is a forum. Secondly, if a moderator wants to close the thread, then let decision be up to them.


Anyways, I'm on a laptop so I don't have any screenshots of my characters.


My main character, James Fox, is an Imperial Warrior who was heading over the Skyrim border to seek adventure and start a new life (that Alternate Start mod sounds useful). No idea why he's left his homeland, maybe it's because he and his people lost the war? Anyways, he's joined the Imperial Legion and is doing everything he can to stop and damage the Stormcloaks as he feels the civil war wrong and their cause unjust. The Empire has always been the driving force behind everything he stands for and he'll not see Skyrim ravaged by barbarism and chaos. Along the way he's met interesting people and taken a wife (not Lydia but Jordis). He's also discovered a few of his old friends living in Skyrim. He's looking forward to the day he can plunge his sword into Ulfrik's chest.

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This is what the gallery is for.

Stop trolling this thread. These is so little discussion of characters this is the perfect place for players to share their character's background and story. This is a forum. Secondly, if a moderator wants to close the thread, then let decision be up to them.


Anyways, I'm on a laptop so I don't have any screenshots of my characters.


My main character, James Fox, is an Imperial Warrior who was heading over the Skyrim border to seek adventure and start a new life (that Alternate Start mod sounds useful). No idea why he's left his homeland, maybe it's because he and his people lost the war? Anyways, he's joined the Imperial Legion and is doing everything he can to stop and damage the Stormcloaks as he feels the civil war wrong and their cause unjust. The Empire has always been the driving force behind everything he stands for and he'll not see Skyrim ravaged by barbarism and chaos. Along the way he's met interesting people and taken a wife (not Lydia but Jordis). He's also discovered a few of his old friends living in Skyrim. He's looking forward to the day he can plunge his sword into Ulfrik's chest.


Nice :) it's so interesting hearing how other people interperet what is happening in the game and what motivates them into joining the imps or the stormcloaks. I must say i'm leaning more toward the stormclaoks with the character im using now (Wynter) as she feels that the people of Skyrim have the right to chose who they worship, and disagrees with how the Empire stamps out that freedom in a land that isn't their own. Seeing everybody's reasoning just shows that there isnt a right or wrong answer, and you could be killing people who are just normal people with normal lives caught up in the situation and forced to make a decision. Deep :P

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Seems that Wynter and Fox have a common opponent, the Thalmore. My character is offended at how the Thalmore defeated the Empire and made them sign the White-Gold Concord (love how they put that in, btw). Fox may have "put down" a few reckless Thalmore who were killing Nords in the wilderness and hopes that one day the Empire doesn't bow to the Thalmore's will.


I hope they explore this more in future games, expansions, or DLCs.

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