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Realistic Damage?


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I was thinking about a way to make combat more realistic, damage realism more specifically. I wasnt sure if someone had made a mod that did this, or if it was as simple as changing a file or two so I figured it would be best to ask. I have been playing Oblivion for awhile now, but never noticed this really until lately. It may sound simple but let me explain. When I turn the difficulty slider up, the enemies do realistic damage, but it turns them into super human death machines do to how much damage they can sustain themselves. When I turn the slider down it allows me to do realistic damage ( a battle axe to the head should kill someone, no?) but it turns my character into a near god-like character. It would be awsome if I could allow the enemies to do their realisitic damage, while still maintaining their low health. Then it would be as if both the character and the enemies did a "Realistic" damage while staying weak to being smacked around with a giant weapon or getting turned to ash with a fireball. Is their any mod that will do this, or is it as simple as changing files? Thanks for reading my request. :thanks:

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Is their any mod that will do this, or is it as simple as changing files? Thanks for reading my request. :thanks:

It depends alot on how picky you are. For some people it can be as easy as adjusting the gamesettings which are used for damage calculations, for others it becomes more in depth, going as far as manually adjusting the health of spawns and NPCs. I made my own setting changes, and have found that they do the job well enough for general use. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=14087


It still isn't 1 hit, 1 kill, but it does end up raising combat damage enough to make physical attacks actually mean something. Spells aren't affected since those have to be changed at the actual spell, and that would conflict with most spell mods. Health for leveled things is lowered a bit, so spells still pack enough punch.

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