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Presets not showing up in RaceMenu


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This is the preset that I am talking about.It says to go into Skyrim\Data\SKSE\Plugins\CharGen\Presets. the problem is that Char Gen doesn't exist.I tired seeing if maybe making the folders and putting the preset in there would work but it didn't.
heres a screen shot of the plugins folder if that helps in anyway https://imgur.com/a/MkFHZ

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Okay so I fixed my issue.To anyone that may be having the same issue you have to first generate your own custom preset in the preset tab in RaceMenu. It will then create the folder and then you can install the Preset

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RaceMenu for Oldrim comes with chargen.dll and chargen.ini. If you don't have them, then try re-downloading the latest version and installing it again.


RaceMenu for SSE doesn't come with it because it's been rolled into skee64.dll and isn't needed anymore.


Why are you asking about the DLL and INI? Did it give an error message? If you're on Skyrim Special Edition, then you're probably using the wrong edition of RaceMenu.

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I get the following error message.


"Racemenu Error(s): You are running SKSE version expected or greater SKSE version mismatch detected (57) Expected (0). Please reinstall your SKSE Scripts to match your version NiOverride plugin not detected. Various features may be unavailable. Invalid CharGen script detected (2) expected (4). Error Codes: (0)(1)(3)"


I updated Racemenu, and skse64. and re-enabled them using vortex. But it didn't fix it.

I don't find NiOverride plugin anywhere, but I saw in other posts it wasn't normally required anymore ?

My Racemenu version is RaceMenu Special Edition v0-4-11

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It's saying that it can't detect SKSE. Did you set up Vortex to run SSE through skse64_loader.exe?


Try going into the console in game (~) and typing: GetSKSEVersion


NiOverride and CharGen used to be separate DLLs, but they got combined into skee64.dll. However, there are still NiOverride and CharGen scripts that come with RaceMenu. Since it says that the CharGen script is the wrong version, do you have any mods that might be replacing that script? Search your Vortex mods directory for "NiOverride.pex" and "CharGen.pex".

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Err, no I didn't do that. How do I setup Vortex to :


1- run SSE through SKSE64_loader.exe ?

2- I searched for NiOverride.pex and Chargen.pex, and didn't found them in my Skyrim folders or Vortex.

3- the command GetSKSEVErsion is not found when in game


thank you for the help !

Edited by Syssiah
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There are two things you can do:


1. You can simply run skse64_loader.exe instead of launching Skyrim whatever way you normally do.


2. If you want to run it from Vortex (it's not actually necessary to run the game with Vortex loaded), then go to "Dashboard" in Vortex. In the panel that says "Skyrim Special Edition", look for an EXE icon (mine is blue) that says "Skyrim Script Extender 64" (mine is cut off so I just see "Skyri..."). Click the three dots and select "Make primary". Then launch the game by pressing the "Skyrim Special Edition" button.


Either way that you do it, the "GetSKSEVersion" console command should say something like:

SKSE64 version: 2.0.17, release idx 64, runtime 01050610

If "Skyrim Script Extender 64" doesn't appear in the Vortex dashboard or you do not have skse64_loader.exe in your Skyrim Special Edition folder (NOT the Data folder), then you may not have installed SKSE64 properly.

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Ok, I did everything you invited me to . Nothing fixed.


I even reinstalled the whole game, and I still get the same problem.


Can you provide me with a sequential and detailed explanation on how to install Racemenu and dependencies please ?


Warm regards

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