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Guild wars 2- like spells


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I assume that there aren't many people interested in guild wars 2, as I haven't seen any posts about this.

However, guild wars 2 is going to get many really nice spells and spell mechanics.

What I suggest, is that someone takes a look at spells of guild wars 2, and tries to recreate them in skyrim.


And I am not asking for complete perfection, so even non-professional modder could try this.

I am posting below some ideas, and how to possibly make them work.

Also, below idea, I post a link to the page wich tells about the spell, so you can take a look at it yourself.


Spirit weapons

invisible/skinless (You know, add skeleton but not skin?) character with some paladin-like weapons, disappears after some time, maybe with special enchantments? Also, some blue-shiny FX on it would make it better.




Some kinda AoE buff for allies, Actually, later level restoration spells might have something for these. Maybe use them as base? Make them affect everything instead of just undead?



Well, Can't think about anything good for this now, might change this later.




Could be done by making some custom cloak spells. Also, some kinda "Elemental shields" would be nice. When hit by melee, enemy would take elemental damage/turn to ice/paralyze?




Well, these are kinda straightforward, Bound bow/sword/hammer/different kind of weapons for different elements, with different effects.




Clones that deal just little damage, but which would take all the aggro of enemies. These would be copies of you, with same weapons. (Okay, that might be tricky)

Also, version that make you completely invisible, muffle and such, and practically make you untargetable by enemies. However AoE spells would still hit you.




And my favourite part, and propably easiest ones to make.

The mighty Necromancer.

(I used to always play elementalist in original guild wars, but after that, I've started to like necromancers more and more.)




Cause diseases on target. Pretty straightforward.




Just different kind of runes. Also, really straightforward.




Pretty much just summons. However, some kinda smaller summons with few HP, but some kinda nice effects would be nice.

For example, replicate putrid explosion by attaching the fire atronach explode on death to our small little minion.

(mm.. Well, there's already that explosive familiar in-game, that could be used too. But I'd love to see some more necromancer-like spell version.)



Almost forgot!




Effect from become ethereal, so you won't take damage, ice and lightning cloak on you.

storm from storm call, including lightning bolts.

This would be really devastating, maybe even OP.

But it should be power/shout with really long recharge.



Same as above, except instead of cloaks, you'd inflict diseases on melee range + some kinda poison damage, maybe amplified version of boethia's blessing.

Also, no storm on this one. This wouldn't be so OP, as it would mostly just inflict diseases.


Shadow form is worked on by author of necromimesis, so not gonna talk about that.

(also, just realized that he is actually working on necromancer spells. Feeling like idiot now)


Lich form

Something like zidgurd's demon skin.

(NOTICE! Skin, Not form. Form is the OP one.)

So, you would take lesser damage from enemies. ( -percentage of damage taken? or + armor rating?)

Increased frost spell damage.



Throw in your ideas, ask anything.

I want to see at least one of my requests get some discussing.

I may have forgotten something important, just mention it in comments.

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