ThatGuyYeah Posted January 13, 2018 Share Posted January 13, 2018 (edited) I just wanted to make sure that my code seems valid. I have ran several test and it seems fine, but I wanted to make sure it will be fine with a person's game (i.e. no save bloat issues or anything like that). Pretty much this code is my second brain for Serana, which keeps my variables and the relationship mechanic. I will make calls to these functions based on dialogue choices, which will use a fragment script which calls a function in the main script here. I am 95% sure it should be fine, but I just want some external input as a sanity check. Scriptname SDECustomMentalModel extends Quest Conditional {Serana Dialogue Edit Custom Mental Model Script} Bool Property SDEElderScrollFlirt = False Auto Conditional {DLC1VQ03 Flirted With Player During Scroll Talk - Default = False} Bool Property SDEFirstAdmire = False Auto Conditional {First Time Admiring Player - Default = False} Bool Property SDEFirstIdolize = False Auto Conditional {First Time Idolizing Player - Default = False} Bool Property SDEFirstDespise = False Auto Conditional {First Time Despising Player - Default = False} Bool Property SDEFirstCondemn = False Auto Conditional {First Time Condemning Player - Default = False} Bool Property SDEFirstTolerate = False Auto Conditional {First Time Condemning Player - Default = False} Bool Property SDEMentionedInsectPriest = False Auto Conditional {DLC1VQ03 Talked About Themed Insects - Default = False} Float Property SDEVersion = 0.33 autoReadOnly {Mod Version - Default = Current Version} Int Property SDECMMRelVar = 0 Auto Conditional {Relationship Mechanic - Default = 0} Int Property SDECMMRelVarPre = 0 Auto Conditional {Relationship Mechanic Previously Before Update - Default = 0} Quest Property DLC1VQ02 Auto {Bloodline Quest Requirement} ;Some Initialization for the Mod - Comment Out When not in Beta Except for Initial Evaluator Event OnInit() Debug.Notification("Serana Dialogue Edit Active! Version: " + SDEVersion) Utility.Wait(1.0) Debug.Notification("Serana Relationship Value: " + SDECMMRelVar) Utility.Wait(1.0) if (DLC1VQ02.GetStage() >= 5) ;If Mod was Loaded After Releasing Serana RelationshipEvaluator(SDECMMRelVarPre, SDECMMRelVar) endif EndEvent ;Serana Liking Player Action Function SeranaLikes() Debug.Notification("Serana Likes That") SDECMMRelVarPre = SDECMMRelVar SDECMMRelVar += 1 RelationshipEvaluator(SDECMMRelVarPre, SDECMMRelVar) EndFunction ;Serana Loving Player Action Function SeranaLoves() Debug.Notification("Serana Loves That") SDECMMRelVarPre = SDECMMRelVar SDECMMRelVar += 3 RelationshipEvaluator(SDECMMRelVarPre, SDECMMRelVar) EndFunction ;Serana Disliking Player Action Function SeranaDislikes() Debug.Notification("Serana Dislikes That") SDECMMRelVarPre = SDECMMRelVar SDECMMRelVar -= 1 RelationshipEvaluator(SDECMMRelVarPre, SDECMMRelVar) EndFunction ;Serana Hating Player Action Function SeranaHates() Debug.Notification("Serana Hates That") SDECMMRelVarPre = SDECMMRelVar SDECMMRelVar -= 3 RelationshipEvaluator(SDECMMRelVarPre, SDECMMRelVar) EndFunction ;Auto-Set to Admire - Debug Only Function AutoAdmire() Debug.Notification("Auto Admire Engage") SDECMMRelVarPre = SDECMMRelVar SDECMMRelVar = 50 RelationshipEvaluator(SDECMMRelVarPre, SDECMMRelVar) EndFunction ;Auto-Set to Idolize - Debug Only Function AutoIdolize() Debug.Notification("Auto Idolize Engage") SDECMMRelVarPre = SDECMMRelVar SDECMMRelVar = 100 RelationshipEvaluator(SDECMMRelVarPre, SDECMMRelVar) EndFunction ;Auto-Set to Despise - Debug Only Function AutoDespise() Debug.Notification("Auto Despise Engage") SDECMMRelVarPre = SDECMMRelVar SDECMMRelVar = -50 RelationshipEvaluator(SDECMMRelVarPre, SDECMMRelVar) EndFunction ;Auto-Set to Condemn - Debug Only Function AutoCondemn() Debug.Notification("Auto Condemn Engage") SDECMMRelVarPre = SDECMMRelVar SDECMMRelVar = -100 RelationshipEvaluator(SDECMMRelVarPre, SDECMMRelVar) EndFunction ;Auto-Set to Tolerate - Debug Only Function AutoZero() Debug.Notification("Auto Zero Engage") SDECMMRelVarPre = SDECMMRelVar SDECMMRelVar = 0 RelationshipEvaluator(SDECMMRelVarPre, SDECMMRelVar) EndFunction ;Evaluates the Relationship of Serana - Checks Relationship Value for Overflow & Let's Player Know if Serana Hit Relationship Status for the First Time Function RelationshipEvaluator(int PastValue, int CurrentValue) ;Checks Current and Previous Value, if Player Reaches Status Threshold for First Time, Player get Notification if ((CurrentValue > 49) && (PastValue <= 49) && (SDEFirstAdmire == false)) Debug.Notification("Serana Admires You") SDEFirstAdmire = true elseif ((CurrentValue > 99) && (PastValue <= 99) && (SDEFirstIdolize == false)) Debug.Notification("Serana Idolizes You") SDEFirstAdmire = true elseif ((CurrentValue < -49) && (PastValue >= -49) && (SDEFirstDespise == false)) Debug.Notification("Serana Despises You") SDEFirstDespise = true elseif ((CurrentValue < -99) && (PastValue >= -99) && (SDEFirstCondemn == false)) Debug.Notification("Serana Condemns You") SDEFirstCondemn = true elseif ((CurrentValue == 0) && (PastValue == 0)) Debug.Notification("Serana Tolerates You") endif ;Checks Current and Previous Value, if Player Drops Below Threshold for the First Time, Player get Notification - Some Degree of Tolerance Allowed if ((CurrentValue < 30) && (PastValue >= 30) && (SDEFirstAdmire == true)) Debug.Notification("Serana Tolerates You") SDEFirstAdmire = false elseif ((CurrentValue < 70) && (PastValue >= 70) && (SDEFirstIdolize == true)) Debug.Notification("Serana Admires You") SDEFirstAdmire = false elseif ((CurrentValue > -30) && (PastValue <= -30) && (SDEFirstDespise == true)) Debug.Notification("Serana Tolerates You") SDEFirstDespise = false elseif ((CurrentValue > -70) && (PastValue <= -70) && (SDEFirstCondemn == true)) Debug.Notification("Serana Despises You") SDEFirstCondemn = false endif ;Checks Value of Relationship Variable - if Variable is Over -200 or +200, Set Variable Back to -200/+200 if (CurrentValue > 200) SDECMMRelVar = 200 elseif (CurrentValue < -200) SDECMMRelVar = -200 endif ;Send Notification About CurrentValue - Debug Only Debug.Notification("Serana Relationship Value: " + CurrentValue) EndFunction And here is a sample fragment code: ;BEGIN FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the end comment ;NEXT FRAGMENT INDEX 1 Scriptname SDE_DEB__00000001 Extends TopicInfo Hidden ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_0 Function Fragment_0(ObjectReference akSpeakerRef) Actor akSpeaker = akSpeakerRef as Actor ;BEGIN CODE SDECMMRel.SeranaLikes() ;END CODE EndFunction ;END FRAGMENT ;END FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the begin comment SDECustomMentalModel Property SDECMMRel Auto Edited January 13, 2018 by ThatGuyYeah Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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