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object that enhance enchantment


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I have searched a lot trying to find something that enhance enchantment (gauntlets, ring neckelace and so on) i havent found nothing, something exist in the game that do that thing (like for smithing)


Thanks in advance

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hi yota71, it seems Bethesda intentionally by design did not include 'Fortify Enchanting' perks probably because this unbalances the game -

- don't let the temptation to craft superduper gear ruin Skyrim gameplay, you'll quickly find yourself overpowered and possibly break your game.

A powerful fortify enchanting potion like 'Enchanter's Elixir' gets you an approx 25% stronger enchantment; but just say'n, go for balance, just a suggestion.

Anyway, now that you have been warned lol, you can try this necklace mod with a custom Fortify Enchanting perk you can disenchant:

Fortify enchanting necklace v2 by Jim


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hi yota71, it seems Bethesda intentionally by design did not include 'Fortify Enchanting' perks probably because this unbalances the game -

- don't let the temptation to craft superduper gear ruin Skyrim gameplay, you'll quickly find yourself overpowered and possibly break your game.


Yes i know it make game unbalanced, i have no intention to use this neckelace, already with smithing perk (and fortify smithing, fortify one hand and fortify archery) the weapon its a way to powerfull (over 800 + over 100 elemental damage) i play with difficult maxed but its truly unbalancing probably i simply drop away this too powerful weapon, making more "human" weapons (this set of weapon is for try to make killmoves working that on 1.5 dont work corretly even with dedicate mods :(

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