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Modding question regarding scripts and merging


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I have a couple of mods published. One of them is the Race Morpher. The mod enablles all playable races resources to each other. Thus you can create a mix from all races. The mod includes .esp for all headmorphs. I have an other mod I started on earlier but never published. It contains a lot of new skincolour settings. I wish to export these skincolours to RaceMorpher. This was easy to in Morrowind and Oblivion. But in Skyrim it doesnt even seem possible to make a child mod based on another mod . Is it possible to import these coloursettings to Race Morpher or do I have start over and create it inside Race Morpher. ?


I have also an idea to make a Half Elf mod based on the ideas of Race Morpher with 8 new races in the same way The reason for that is to avoid conflicts with other mods that somehow alter races. Problem here however is the identity problem. How do I get a Nord Half-Orc to be seen as either Orc or Nord in the game. In Race Morpher this is not an issue since you use the vanilla races as identity. But how do I do it for new races ?

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With Skyrim, you can master an .esp to another .esp or to an .esm just like you can in Oblvion. If .esp mastering, you can use Wrye Bash for Skyrim to .esmify and .espify at the appropriate times.
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