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Quick Trade


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I'm looking for a mod that skips unnecessary dialog when talking to NPC's.

What I want is to directly sell items to merchants and trade with my followers and skip the redundant "What have you got for sale?" (merchants) and "I need to trade some things with you." (followers). So when I target a merchant/follower I have an additional option to [E] talk, [R] trade.

There are already mods that at make it possible to quick trade for Fallout:NV and Fallout 4.

As far as I understand a mod like this should also be possible in Skyrim (SSE), because the underlying engines aren't too different? So maybe even a more or less easy port from Fallout 4?

Hope somebody can create a mod, because this was such a great quality of life improvement in my Fallout playthroughs.

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I use the Trade With Me spell from my Minor Spells mod to bypass dialogue.


An SKSE64-based mod with a hotkey would be possible but I'm not doing any mods of that type until SKSE64 is out of alpha stage.


If anyone else wants to do it the simple version (without a prompt on the screen) is as simple as registering for a key and then when the key is pressed see if there's an actor in the crosshair and if so call OpenInventory or ShowBarterMenu depending on whether the actor is a teammate. (Warning in the current state of SKSE64 the script would need to be attached to a player alias because key registrations aren't working exactly like they should.)

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