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Request: Water Magic [a la waterbender]


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Request: Water Spells


I'm getting tired of ice and created a 'Waterbender' character, but it's sadly lacking in waterbending.


can anyone help? water spells would be an interesting and great addition to the game. Here are my suggestions. I can offer nothing more than other suggestions. most of the water spells are about staggering your opponent or causing fatigue/health damage in varying amounts, but it's all flexible. I've detailed many, take your pick. the one I really want is water torrent and water sphere!



Water Sphere

similar to fireball, you coalesce a ball of water in your hands and send it smashing into the opponent, and it becomes steam as it hits them. this one would be great because the water ball is prime for some beautiful modelling. t could also be most likely to stagger an opponent because of the force of the blow, but do more fatigue damage than health.



Water Slicer

conjure a stream of water which flows around your hands, and when cast flies toward your opponent and slashes like a blade, ignoring some armour and doing health damage. Also staggers your opponent, but less so than water sphere.



Steam Blast

I believe this has been done already. It's pretty simple, just a more watery themed version of fire blast or flamethrower or whatever that one's called. simple but effective



Torrent is like a short ranged [master level lightning spell] that staggers opponents to the max and does continuous damage. the animation is the hardest part: you gather water from your surroundings (or conjure it) and blast it toward the spot of your choice. as it blasts away, it curves back again and you shoot the same volume of water continuously until done. covers a wide range, but not so much as water wall.


Water Wall

okay, so this is a more complicated move, and likely also complicated to animate. a wall of water is slowly created and thrust toward many opponents, staggering all and doing fatigue damage and a little health damage. like a mass water sphere

Edited by Steevonator
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