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Brainstorming a Darker World


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Came late to the party. just finished Witcher 2. Good thing for Skyrim, that, cause I would likely have passed on this game had I been playing Witcher 2 when Bethesda released the game. Witcher 2 is simply that good.


So now, of course, I sit here, thinking, considering. Mulling ideas, as it were.


I want to make Skyrim...darker...somehow. Lore friendly or not I don't particularly care. Finished my initial, lore-friendly, be-the-good-guy playthrough. Now I'm running about in Raven armor with two weapons on my back, one of them silver with a wolf's head on the hilt. And I'm thinking.


About Werewolves spawning, intelligently, on the map. Maybe they have their own areas where they frequent. Maybe they only spawn in those areas. Or maybe they are rare/nighttime only spawns.


About Vampires slinking along roads in the dark. Maybe attacking villages like Falkreath or Riverwood or other open towns. Others could disguise themselves as non-hostile travelers, who will stop and talk, giving you the choice of fighting them, or not.


About the occasional dead bodies lying about outside caves. Or even on the outskirts of villages. Of course, they would be disabled by day, and then "turned on" at night, complete with blood stains, to lend credence to stories of nighttime raids.


About vigilant of stendarr who have suddenly swapped robes for real armor, and torches for real weapons. Because Skyrim has suddenly become that sort of place.


Basically, I am thinking about a mod akin to Random Encounters, or even Warzones...but with monster spawns, vampire spawns...ghosts...many of which would need scripting for nighttime appearances only.


If anyone else has any ideas on things that could make Skyrim a little darker, and lend the wilderness a sense of foreboding it severely lacks, I would love to hear them. And I am sure others would be interested as well.

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I think this could be a very popular mod. Just skyrim, but darker, at least at night. It's not too terribly ambitious either(i mean this in a very good way). A few pre packaged encounters placed in a bunch of places around the world, and some other creative tweaks that could then be replicated throughout tamriel.


The hard part would be placing all these things. Which.. isn't hard.


I'm not a huge fan of dark for darks sake, but many many people are. I endorse this before it's even been started lol.


If you don't know much about the CK, and you have any time to spare on it, you should learn it and get to work on this lol. Any time you run into something you don't get, or know how to implement, just ask in here. Pretty much everything you mentioned above is exactly the kind of stuff the CK was built for.


The level of control based on some background story going on regarding vampire and werewolf territory is up to you(and your scripting skills >.<)



A new dark age of Skyrim. I like it.

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Lol. Why don't you just make a completely entire story. xD That's what I'm doing. Cuz I'm not sure if your mod will affect the skyrim story itself. Lol...




'just'? I think he's going for ambiance here. A few monsters and types of encounters scattered across Skyrim at night. Much much easier than anything related to making a story. Not sure what 'A completely entire story' is anyways >.<


Nothing here has to have anything to do with any story anywhere. Nights are scary, wilderness is dangerous due to werewolves and vampires. Dead bodies hang out. Vigilants of Stenndar are on alert. It's just stuff to make it spooky and let you fight those kind of baddies.


Somebody make this lol. I like the sound of it and i'd bet you'd get a lot of downloads.


As a new idea, music for night time, appropriate for an aura of dark tension.

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