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fallout tabletop


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hi there,

so, sometimes in the game-side of FO4,

you hit a 'creativity wall', and look to inspiration,

so I'm wondering if folks have come across

Fallout themed tabletop miniatures from the FORPG/Tactics stuff out there?


do many NMMers/ nexites also tabletop fallout game?

I'm curious to see, as some polls at bethnet returned that only ~1/8 of the respondents did FORPG.


have you seen some of the vault-theme builds?

it's like a 1:48 scale 'necromunda' style bunker, replete with entrance hall and everything.


I am very inspired by some of the tabletop builds,

to then 'port' some of those back into the game hehe.

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Long before I got into modding my #1 guilty pleasure was building scale models and dioramas, mostly 1:35 scale. For ages I wanted to do an FO-themed diorama but lack of suitable figures (and not wanting to spend ages on conversions) was always the challenge. Then I read your post, got that tingling "Spidey Sense" feeling that I was about to get into trouble and found these.


Looks like to might be time to dust off the X-acto knife and airbrush and start sniffin' glue again. :laugh:


EDIT: Looks like they're molded in resin making modifying them easier then metal miniatures. Oh dear. What have I stumbled upon.

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hehe, I know what you mean.

I've got a long-form NMM private message headed your way.


I find it ironic that,

the Game inspired the tabletop,

and the tabletop completes the cycle and re-inspires the game.

rebijection and throughput-parsing at its finest hehe.




if only there were some way,

to combine that observation with

AGI-GAH's and with the VisualSimilarityReferenceIndex (specifically, the nodal nPr/nCr 'random walk"/"color by numbers" features)

to translate from an image into the game...


and, to isolate any element not present in the index,

so as to potentially also 3D from AGI-GAH read "AGI-assisted C.A.D."

and bring that into game.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Those figures are very well done, definitely sharp and clear. The sculptor has some extremely well-developed skills. I wonder if they might have used digital means to create the master figures on the screen. In an age of computers and 3D printing that sounds plausible. Production figures would have to be by more traditional routes.



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These days, designing the mold masters for model kits is done using CAD for the most part. I'm sure these figures are at least in part engineered that way. Casting in resin as these are allows much finer detail than old-school casting techniques like injection molding or white metal.


I keep (maybe intentionally) forgetting to order these. :sweat:

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These days, designing the mold masters for model kits is done using CAD for the most part. I'm sure these figures are at least in part engineered that way. Casting in resin as these are allows much finer detail than old-school casting techniques like injection molding or white metal.


I keep (maybe intentionally) forgetting to order these. :sweat:


I had one friend Fallout fan, show me a pic of what he did with his 3D Printer .... pretty cool. Now one ( 3D Printer ) is on my " wish list " .... :D

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Yeah...I was looking at 3D printers a while back. When I was hardcore into modeling I did lots of scratchbuilding and kitbashing...and a 3D printer would have been perfect for creating bits and bobs for my projects that I could use as casting masters. But between the cost of supplies and the learning curve to use the software, it was a rabbit hole I had to pull myself off the edge of. :laugh:

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