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Karliah's Location


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This is quasi related to my other post."under new mgmt" glitch


I used the player move to console command and moved to Karliah's location. She was swimming underwater in Riften. I followed her and she gets stuck trying to walk up the steps out of the water. Anyone else had this happen? It appears that she is making her way to the Nightingale hall but in a straight line and her AI just walks straight into objects without going around them. Then she gets stuck.


I think I may be able to fix the glitch if I can get her to follow me or Appear next to me so she is not stuck on the dock. What console command do I need to use to have her either follow me or appear next to me? I tried the "move to" command but I think that I am inputting it wrong. Can someone tell me the exact command?

Edited by Ewigleben14
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Karliah is back at Nightinggale Hall for me ...messing around with her, she will put up with a lot of abuse before

aggroing, then totally draining her of health, once she heals up a bit, she looses any aggro towards me.


Try using force shout to "adjust" her pathing.


LOL ...if you are concerned about her BEATING you up IF she aggro's, do a "removeallitems" console command before hand.

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