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random dragons are gone :(


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I played the whole main quest without mods, just the vanilla game and the only dragons I saw were quest related.Until today I haven´t seen any dragons appearing from nowhere.When I wish to fight a dragon I simply spawn them.Don´t care much about the souls I just want a challange.
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Have/Had same issue, random dragon spawn way low, but they do appear once-in-a-while.

This has been awhile back, do not remember what mods I had at that time, so I am afraid I can not be of any use

in trouble shooting the problem ...playing thru the quest etc never did improve spawn rate.


If you use "placeatme" console command, the dragon will not have a soul.


Edit: PS, I believe "Dragon Soul" is an object that can be added thru the console.



Certain dragons you summon via console do have souls, others don't.


well, I figured since I don't want to restart a new game, I'll just add dragon souls through the console (player.modav dragonsouls #)... that way I can unlock new shouts and keep on playing this character (lvl 35 mage). Too bad for the random dragons, there seems to be no fix for now. "help dragons 3" lists a few global variables that looked promising, but changing the values didn't do anything.

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well, I figured since I don't want to restart a new game, I'll just add dragon souls through the console (player.modav dragonsouls #)... that way I can unlock new shouts and keep on playing this character (lvl 35 mage). Too bad for the random dragons, there seems to be no fix for now. "help dragons 3" lists a few global variables that looked promising, but changing the values didn't do anything.




player.placeatme F80FD


that should get you a Blood Dragon to fight. I've done this while testing some things for a video I haven't gotten around to making. You get to fight it, and once killed you can absorb the dragon soul.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Random dragons got 4 conditions to spawn:


GetGlobalValue DragonsReturned (should be 1)

GetGlobalValue MQ106TurnOffRandomDragons (should be 0)


Third condition is, WINextDragon < GameDaysPassed that means you are allowed to kill one dragon for every day you pass in the game (no matter if its a wordwall dragon or a random) -> this should conflict with any mod what stretches the ingame time.


Forth condition is, that whenever you trigger a random encounter, one of a large list is chosen, that means, if u see some thalmor with a prisoner, or some imperials/stormcloaks debating, bandit ambush, vigilants of stendarr, and so on, you just "not saw" a dragon.


Hope that helps in case the topic was still alive.

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