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Some Questios from a beginner


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Hey :) As i am still a beginner in the CK i have some question I hope sb can help me lol

So first let me say that I am just interested in making the existing settlements pretty, clean up the rubbish, delete old, ugly houses and build new ones. I dont want to create new settlements, new settlers or anything like that...

1. Is it normal to get that many warnings when you delete stuff?

2. Sometimes when I want to delete a chair for example I get a textbox with the message "Confirm Form User changes"..is it save to continue?

3. What do these white and blue strings mean exactly? When I delete a building the strings are still there, do I have to make any changes to them when I want to build a new house there?

Thank you

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Hi Nina, I'm not going to be much help, hopefully a little help is better than none. I assume you are deleting these items in the Render Window and not deleting the actual objects. Anytime you delete something from the object window you get a warning. If you are deleting in the render window and getting warnings my guess is that you are deleting a trigger or something that is linked to something else.

If you will give me an example of a specific item in a specific place I'll take a look at it and see If I can tell whats up. I do know that you will need to do a lot a navmesh work or companions and npcs will not be able to use areas where you've deleted items.

I learn more from example myself, there are several cleanup mods on the Nexus, maybe you could download one of them and do a little before and after comparison.

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