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Weapon Rack Question...


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I've created some weapon racks in a master file, and am using them in a plugin. They work just great, except for one thing; the weapons all go into them upside down! I've flipped the activators over, but that doesn't help at all. Can anyone shed some light on this?\


Greatly appreciated, folks!


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Flip the triggers, not activators.


There's only the rack (activator) and the trigger. flipping the rack looks pretty odd, as in upside-down, hence it was the trigger I flipped, not the activator. I have now completely redone them twice, and when I put something into one, they are showing up beside (to the right of ) the PC (facing north in the cell). There's just not that much to this; how could it be so screwed up?? :D

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Actually, I meant the rack when I meant trigger. See, the rack is assigned the keyword 'WTrigger' while the white box (or I guess the orange box for racks) is 'WActivator'.


I have no idea why your racks aren't working properly though. Did you change the meshes in anyway? If you look at the mesh in NifSkope, you should see that there are nodes called stuff like 'WarhammerPivot01'. These nodes determine the position and rotation of the weapon when placed on the rack.

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Actually, I meant the rack when I meant trigger. See, the rack is assigned the keyword 'WTrigger' while the white box (or I guess the orange box for racks) is 'WActivator'.


I have no idea why your racks aren't working properly though. Did you change the meshes in anyway? If you look at the mesh in NifSkope, you should see that there are nodes called stuff like 'WarhammerPivot01'. These nodes determine the position and rotation of the weapon when placed on the rack.


No, haven't changed the meshes. I'm using the "PlayerHouse" variants of these, if that makes any difference. I thought perhaps I had the keywords reversed, so reversed them, but I'm still getting the same result; the weapon beside the PC to the right. I read about an issue with mannequins not working if facing directly north in the cell (I do have a northmarker), so even rotated all the racks and activators one degree off; again, didn't make a difference. All in all, the mannequins, with more "moving parts", were less problematic than these simple weapon racks.

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Select the entire rack group and rotate them on the z axis by ".1" in either direction.


Nope; weapons still going in to the racks point up. (The rack on the left end puts them in beside the PC, to the right, laying on it's side.) I'm completely mystified.

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