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How do i set Npc's so they don't attack friendlys


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I recently made a house mod, "Dragonlord Manor", with followers. As the title asks, how do I set the npc's so they don't attack friendly's?


I had to set relations between all the modded npc's so they didn't kill each other. They also attacked "Lydia" , but only when I dismissed her within range of any of them. So, I set relations between her and all my modded npc's then realized if I continued this way I'd have a lot of work to do.. buggar that :/


I have not been able to stop the npc's attacking mounts, so any ideas or links to learn how to setup npc's properly would be really helpful.


please keep in mind this is my first mod (ever) so am noob :*(

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might have an easier time adding them into a faction. Or maybe their AI is set to frenzied or Very Aggresive. The player faction sounds like it would work for you.




Thankyou, i figured it out, came on to edit/delete my post... the AI for them was set to very aggresive.

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