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Character standing really weird...


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Go to your "The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim\Data\Meshes\actors\" and Delete everthing in your "character" folder.


I did a clean Uninstall, I checked the folder you told me to check, It was just all the hair mods i just added after the re-install.

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hi esdchan, you probably still have a non-vanilla game character standing idle animation mod file usually located in here:

\Data\Meshes\actors\character\animations\'female' or 'male'

the modded loose file you need to disable is: mt_idle.hkx

if you disable this by renaming it 'mt_idle.hkx_DISABLE' or just simply delete it; then, the game should go back to normal and use the default

standing idle animation in the default game BSA archives.

if you already did what gagoloth suggested, that should have fixed your problem (game should go back to defaults).

if you installed the animation mod using NMM just uninstall/disable the mod.

look at the files in the mod's RAR/ZIP/7Z archive file and carefully disable whatever files you see in there that you copied to your skyrim folder.

ummm, if the mod uses a ESP/ESM/BSA then disable those.


it's possible you modded something in '\data\meshes\actors\character\character assets' like NIF's?

changing 'skeleton_female.nif' can also alter your character's animations.


I'm currently using a simple 'Idle_Left_Standard_Facing_Forward' and kinda like it:

Pretty Female Idle v1.3 by Dualsun


there a lot of others..

Edited by xlcr
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