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How do I add new items to vendors without conflicts?


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This might be a dumb question, but how do I best add new items and spells to vendors without possibly causing conflicts with other mods? I can obviously add them to any vendor I choose but wouldn't that cause conflicts if another mod has also modified the same vendor? I am trying to avoid going down the route of creating a random chest in a random location so users can have access to my new content.
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can only comment on how was done prior .. haven't done yet here so would recommend search here or over on the Bethesda Forum (CK section) .. but the standard 3 I am aware of are:


1. Do a script to insert your list into the appropriate vendor leveled list .. has some issues in terms of save in that if delete the mod the change may not go away.

2. Create another vendor chest, put your stuff in it and mark respawn) and assign ownership to the merchant want to sell the stuff ... then bury the box in the ground beneath the merchant.

3. Create another vendor and have them in the same area as the merchant wanted to sell the stuff to start with (a mod exists that does something like this called Sexy ... can't recall the rest at the moment).


Suggest hunt around on these as should be some tuts about this either on CK wiki or here somewhere ... I know 3 has been done by folks unsure on 1 and 2 (did these in FNV and work fine there) hopefully someone else will jump in on this for you.

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