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Question on the * on items in the Cell View


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When trying to create my House I have tried to be careful about not going into any other Cell in my current working House Mod. However, I looked yesterday and I have found some *'s on several of the other cells in my Mod. I have not gone into any other cells in my mod nor did I delete anything this time. Also, I have not changed anything in any of the item's in the Object widow then saved it off. I think the * represents that something in a particular cell was altered in some manner but I have no idea what was changed. Is there a way to set cells to their default pristine conditions with out having to redo my Hose mod yet again?


Sorry for the newbie questions but I'm very new at this.


Thanks in advance for any help given.



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When you load your mod in the CK and highlight your file, click the details button on the bottom. That'll show everything changed or added by your mod. If you have a lot, you could try sorting by form IDs... That should put the vanilla stuff on top.


Then you simply highlight the unwanted changes and press your delete key.

Edited by fg109
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Thank you for your reply.


I tried that and I saw nothing deleted but there were some "-" marks in the Deleted and Ignored columns. It seems the "-" marks are always in the GRUP Type.


I'll try to delete those and see if that helps.




It worked nicely.. thank you.


When you load your mod in the CK and highlight your file, click the details button on the bottom. That'll show everything changed or added by your mod. If you have a lot, you could try sorting by form IDs... That should put the vanilla stuff on top.


Then you simply highlight the unwanted changes and press your delete key.

Edited by Ratero
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