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xmarker orientation question

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I wounder if someone can help me,


I followed this tutorial

to create a legendary weapon using a small quest, then placed it in the game world using an xmarker as the video described and it worked great.


My problem is that in game the weapon is placed at the wrong orientation, I thought that if I rotated the xmarker in the creation kit it would fix it but it stayed the same.


so how can I make it so the weapon faces in the right direction when spawning it in with an xmarker.


Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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Is it possible you had loaded the game and saved before going to where the object was? And then tried to change it? You need to test on a save that has never seen the quest or marker before so the refs aren't baked into the save file. This is a pretty common mistake that both novice and experienced modders make.

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as ^ BnF always always always start any test with a clean savegame that has never seen that mod before. Even better hasn't seen any mods before. I just lost a couple of hours "debugging" a dirty savegame. Create some unique save images with console save CLEANuniquename or such (and don't then ever overwrite them).

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Definitely test with clean saves as mentioned above, but you can also do quick testing to see how things work as you tinker with them by COCing into a cell from the main menu without loading a save. You spawn with an unequipped Lvl 1 character at the cells COC marker. It's a good way to jump into your mod, see how things look and work and do some quick testing.

As for the weapon spawning in the wrong orientation, not sure there is an actual fix but would be nice to know. I have also used the Seddon4494 Legendary Weapons tutorial and could never get the weapon to 100% spawn at the orientation I wanted when using the Xmarker method. It suspect it might be possible to control the orientation through a script. I usually opt to have my Legenedaries spawn in a container and never pursued it. Because of the way the CustomItemQuest generates/spawns Legendaries on the fly (or the custom quest you are making to create your Legendary), it may not be possible to 100% control the spawning orientation with out scripting, if that is at all a possibility. It may have to do with the orientation of the base object's NIF your Legendary is based on, but that's just a W.A.G.

If you haven’t done so already, take a look at how the Prototype UP77 "Limitless Potential" is spawned in the University Point Credit Union (UniversityPoint02). It uses the same Xmarker and ReferenceToSpawnIn property as described in the video. There doesn’t seem to be anything special about how the Xmarker is set up other than it is placed slightly above the table in the lab. Every time I’ve gone into the cell to get that weapon, it always spawns at an odd angle floating slightly above the table (as opposed to lying on it, as you would expect), presumably because that’s where the marker is placed.
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Thank you all for replying, Yes I have read about mod changes baking into save games before and know it's a problem, I tend to save my game before I make a mod, then load up my save with mod activated to test it, I then exit without saving (I never load an auto save) only the save I made before adding the mod.


I will check out (UniversityPoint02) and see if I can figure it out but like you said it seems as though it has the same problem, it's a shame to have to compromise but maybe I will put the weapon in a container , I guess I want the weapon ingame more than stressing over getting it on the table the right way round first.


Thanks for trying to help me guys, I will re-post here if I find a solution, in case it helps some one else.

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Another such type of item is the Terrible Shotgun. Can be found in interior cell Libertalia01 at the CustomTerribleShotgunMarker. It uses a MiscItem as a marker instead of a true xmarker. Though it also seems to have a non perfect spawn angle. It also could be a minor side effect of the havok physics causing things to move. The marker the shotgun spawns at is up in the air, but when you view the gun it's sitting down on the crate.

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That's pretty much been my experience when trying to get them to spawn using the Xmarker method. I think you're spot on about the physics. The one time I did end up using the Xmarker in a mod was to spawn a missile launcher. I originally wanted it to spawn "mounted" on a weapon display rack behind a sliding panel. In testing it always spawned at the bottom of the recessed area the rack was set up in and would usually fall on the floor when the sliding panel was opened. Not that I expected it to work (which it didn't), but I even tried adding the disable havok script just to say I tried it. I gave up and put in a shelf to catch it and prevent it from falling. Been adding them to containers ever since...path of least resistance. Less chance of users saying they "can't find it" too. :happy:

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Unfortunately you can't just place a Legendary item like a normal item because they are generated by a script attached to a quest. There is nothing to place until the quest runs the script and actually creates the item. It's how Bethesda decided to implement Legendaries.


EDIT: this pertains to Named Legendaries at least. Don't know if it's any different for items with legendary effects not having custom names. Never looked into it.

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