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1. Zombie mod. FoxtrotZulu has a great zombie mod but it's not quite what I'm looking for. I'm looking for a zombie mod that just adds zombies as another threat in the wastes, like raiders, mutants or ferals. Just something you can run into, not something that takes over the game. And make it so that they don't infect NPC's. I still want to be able to progress through the story mode as well.

2. Animations. There are many different animation mods but nothing packaged. Maybe some different variating animations for eating, drinking, drinking from sinks, using stimpaks, taking pills, maybe an animation for activating the pip-boy.

3. Bathroom. This kind of falls under animations. It's pretty stupid how if you use the toliet the game makes you drink from it so why not just add a bathroom aspect to the game where if you eat or drink so much you need to use the bathroom. kinda weird but if you think this is a good idea then make it a mod.

4. Backpack/Travel bag/Purse/any kind of bag. Rather than having Zelda blackhole pockets. Why not make a backpack or a back that could change size depending on what your current weight is at. like it would look empty and small if you weren't carrying much but it would look large and full if you're carrying to capacity.

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  • 4 weeks later...

1: the zombie appoclypse mod? im pretty sure you could probably alter the mod itself to lower the overall ammount of zombies that spawn upon load as well as the speed at which they respawn to a minimum it shouldn't be that hard to accomplish though i woudlnt know where to begin with that myself ^^;; just spit-balling ideas here to lessen the workload for modders and yourself.

2: Im also pretty sure you could make a patch with Fo3Edit or another tool similar to it to combine all animation mods you already like into one requiring only ONE esp seeing as most animation mods do not conflict with one another if you choose them correctly at least.

3: ew? but yah that does seem weird you drink from the TOILET lmao. very strange....if anything the toilet could be turned into a way to lessen not totally get rid of but lessen effects of mods like IMP's more complex needs? it makes it so that you need to think about what you eat and drink and when because too much eating could cause you to bloat or gain weight in turn slowing you down and drinking too much like lets say water could cause leathal water poisoning. the toilet function could turn into a SLIGHT negative effect reducer for certain parts of a mod like that.

4: the bag would be strictly cosmetic im assuming? seems like a nice cosmetic effect!

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