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Updated Drivers, Severe Screen Tearing


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Hey Nexus, just as the topic says I updated my video drivers and now there is particle tearing. Small squares that are either missing, discolored, flashing, and or distorted. I have tried switching to different graphic settings, with no luck. I also wondered if this was caused by a recent mod d/l but I remember playing the game with the current mod setup with this not happening. So I'm lost Nexus, maybe you can point me in the right direction, all info is appreciated. Thanks in advance!
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It's a Problem with the driver. Have you tried turning off AA? It worked for me.


Sorry gotta look over the newness, not familiar with AA. Is it in the graphic settings from the launch menu? I found an FXAA and it was already disabled though.


AA is Antialiasing that is in the options menu in the launcher. Right under Resolution, set that to OFF instead of 8 Samples (or 4 or 6) and it should help, at least it did for me.

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