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Male Armors - Any good ones you recommend?


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But if you click Male, under armor, you get back all kinds of stuff thats obviously not for males.


Anyways I don't really mind playing Skyrim as a male or a female, but most of my runs have been female runs simply because most of the best armor mods focus on females over males in general.


So I'm looking around and other than say Einjarhar and perhaps Warchief Armor, the entire armor list is literally female centric from one end to the other, well I'm on page 10 of 28 so far, and working my way through.


Was wondering what other Nexus members recommended in regards to male armor mods that are not terribly lore abusive, and are pretty fair quality.


Anyways not debating whether playing males or females is better, or anything of the type, but I sorta wanted to try out a male run through but it seems like the pickings are slim in regards to increasing the armor quality options available to a male character, other than the stock armors.

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There aren't many because for some reason male armour isn't very popular on an Elder Scrolls game. As far as new models are concerned, there are maybe 3 on the whole site.

At the moment, if you really want armour to your liking, you'll have to make it yourself ( that's what I did ).

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I have 2 favorites. The Scout armour is great. It looks cool, especially when you use the hood variant. It give you an open faced nightingale look with a cape. It also has very high damage rating, and you can craft it immediately upon starting a new game (all in Leather section). The other armor I like it the Sicarius armour, mainly for the same reason...it looks cool. You have to have the Ebony Smithing perk, so I usually use it later in the game.
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