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Few tips for House / Castle mods


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Ok first things first;


I realy REALY wish Centurion to come to Skyrim and start working on one of his perfect castle mods like he did in Oblivion ( Castle Almgard, Castle Domrose etc...)..He is the only one who did it right and I used all his castles.So, CENTURION PLZ COME BACK!




I've been checking some of top player house mods that are on SW/Nexus these days and I must say I'm utterly dissapointed.So I'll share some of my thoughts about some of them.


1 - On the top of endorsement lis is huge fortress Deus Mons which is i must admit very detailed.The problem i have with this castle is total lack of realism and its interiors are 10 times bigger then it should be when you look at it from outside.Its toooo big and tooo unrealistic.


2 - On second place we have famous Dowahkiin Hideout.Here also we have total lack of realism + tbh I hate huge underground hideouts within small houses.


3 - Rangers Ridge ( read 2 )



Ok now I want to share few tips about how to make good castle in Skyrim and its all derived from creations of master Centurion.Centurion used meshes of some houses / castles exsisting in Oblivion, combined them to make his epic mods.But he did it with such imagination that all those different parts fits together perfectly.Second, his interiors were always perfectly balanced with exteriors to fullfil realism of his Castles.His interiors were also beatufuly decorated and aranged.Third part that seems slipped mind of house modders today is that his castles had guards and servants.No castle can be lead by one person.Centurions castles had guards with their unique uniforms, cooks, hunters, priests and even castle majordomo.Some even had villages next to it with peasants and even docks.His mods are perfection.


What Dovahkiin needs is castle that has somewhat Nordic architecture made with same level of detail and realism like Centurion castles because he is only one who knew how to make them and I hope someone talented will rise to take his work and even surpass it.


Check his castle mods on TES Nexus link:



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