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Stealth Perks Overhaul


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Hey guys,


I recently checked out the Arcane Assassin mod and although i liked it a lot i feel its just a bit much for me. I have an idea with a total overhaul for the sneak tree and would like some assistance from an experienced modder to help me out with this. Along with this there are a few other minor perk tweaks i would like to have implimented. Thanks in advance.

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ok so here is what i was thinking




Left side of the tree


*Shadow Warrior (1/1) - 100 Sneak

- While sneaking (stealthed) will teleport behind target for a sneak attack (shout ability with a 15 second recast delay)

- As per the shadow strike ability from the Arcane Assassin mod can be donwe out of stealth but will have better results if stealthed)



*Master of Deception (1/1) - 70 Sneak

- Darkness spell (2 uses) - Causes blindness on target NPC for 10 seconds (Illusion) and;

- Obscures an artificial light source for 60 seconds (Illusion)

- Distract - Creates a sound causing nearby NPC's to check it out (Illusion) 15 second cool down ( not sure about range)



*Shadow Syndicate (1/1) - 50 Sneak

- Mark and Recall (Illusion) remains invisible for a short ammount of time as long as the caster does not move



*Quiet Casting(1/1) - 40 Sneak

- All spells you cast from any school of magic are silent to others



*Muffled Movement(1/2) - 30 Sneak

- Noise From armor is reduced by 50%

*Muffled Movement(2/2) - 40 Sneak

- Walking and running does not affect detection

- You no longer trigger pressure plates



Stealth(1/1) - 0 Sneak

- You are 15% harder to detect when sneaking

- Void effect (avatar darkens to a blackened state with black smoke emminating ... keep smoke light so you can still aim in first person)

- 5% harder to detect for each perk marked with a *



Right side of the tree



Assassin's Blade(1/2) - 50 Sneak

- Sneak attack with daggers now do 15 times normal damage

Assassin's Blade(2/2) - 60 Sneak

- Sneak attack with swords now do 12 times normal damage



Deadly Aim(1/1) - 40 Sneak

- Sneak attack with bows now do three times damage



Backstab(1/1) - 30 Sneak

- Sneak attacks from one handed weapons now do six times damage

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