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What do YOU want in a house?


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A small to medium sized house that fits a specific character concept reasonably well. I will never really get those huge mansion or castle mods, there's simply no need for that. A house should feel organic and lived in, and have containers and display space that doesn't seem out of place (like dozens of containers labeled A to Z all stacked against one wall do). My two favorite places to live in would be just a simple house in a city, or an abandoned house in the woods. Convenience doesn't matter much - you can always add a container or two if you really need them - what matters more to me are the surroundings and how well the house fits into the game world.
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i am currently making one for me, rather than to release as a mod but may aswell put it on ehre eventually.


it features as an extra purchasable upgrade on breezehome, BUT features a dark hall mushrom growing room with pet spiders, and a butterfly and insect flower sanctuary covered all over with flora and butterflys, bees, moths and dragon flies by the fish pond and crab cages..


what do you think of that, is that unique ?


i have a problem with getting it finished as i always change the look of it, as it never looks good enough in my eyes,

which takes a long time.

Edited by acidfrog
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yeah that looks really good. i jsut have a problem with it randomly appearing. everything i do has a purchase quest.


from buying basic layout from the jarl to purchasing alchemy stuff from the store.



i am almost going so far as to have diffrent levels of expansion, first you buy a dungeon space then upgrade......ect...ect

i manged to get part of the quest that when you arrive to one basement expansion there is a guy finishing off the dig then he says job done blah blah blah then you can buy upgrades from specific stores.....


now i think about it this has more to do with having fun on the creation kit than actually using it is an extended sims house builder in game, which is why i choose not to realease it

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I always thought people who added forges in their houses were silly. That's a great way for you to kill yourself, your wife, and housecarl with toxic fumes. Of course, not everybody cares about immersion that much, but I do. Honestly, Honeyside and Breezehome are the best houses in the game. Space to decorate, some racks for your gear without making the place an arms depot, and a cozy overall feel.
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Oh! I just had an idea for a great player house!


Mannequin mansion:


I know I just bashed mannequin's, but this actually puts good use to them. But it will require some scripting. What you can do, is you can equip a mannequin with whatever you like. Then, say, there's a spell that will bring it to life as a follower. Then just build the house around that concept. I think that would be a pretty cool concept right there. Also, you wouldn't have to worry about voicing them, since in reality they are just wood.



That would be cool, like a sort of terracotta army (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terracotta_Army) but made from wood. that perhaps you have to craft then animate, or perhaps made from the wood of the eldergleam by a long dead powerful enchanter. A feature could even be a powerful enchanting table that was used the enchanter in their creation like a sort of enchant table version of the skyforge.


I like having hideouts and houses in different place in the world space so i have a local base of operations in any give hold/area but the one Housing/castle/abode mod I really miss when I'm playing Skyrim, is Glenvar Castle which was always my main home in Oblivion. I have tried several castle/abode mods for skyrim but none of them feels quite as epic or as richly featured.


Things to avoid in my view would be:


Confusing/tedious/irrational layouts -The best house mods I have experienced have all roughly been based around a central hub type layout with room coming off that, I tried a tower home once which had a room for each floor, it just got tedious after a while going from room to room (7 stories), or rooms that are next to each other but have a long passage way that loops around them etc.

Straying too far from the games lore - while it might be cool to live in a space ship on a mountain top (extreme example) you put off a lot of downloader and endorsements that way.

Too many load doors or at least too many uneeded ones.

Too much eye candy and clutter - People with lower systems are plagued by mods that add too much


Things I like in house mods:


Uniqueness - To really stand out from the hundred of house mods out there it needs something that no other, or at least very few house mods have like the enchant table I mentioned above.

Location - I have two views on this, it should either be a well/easisly defended location like on an island/mountain/cliff face/crag/etc or somewhere with epic views, if you can provide both even better, this is one of the reasons I like the Glenvar Castle mod.

The option of either having to earn the house or be able to just walk in. so I can try out the features first or check its compatibility with my existing load order etc.

More than one entrance, when rp'ing certain castes of character I enoy being able to enter places unoticed as well as having a main entrance.

Good Weather - it can be kinda depressing living in an area that is always/snowing/raining.

Hidden areas

The ability to either hire guards/a dog/housecarl/etc for when you are not around.


Hopefully there's some food for thought anyway. :thumbsup:

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