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Greetings I'd like to get some pointers.

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Good day to you people of forums. I recently started using CK and encountered a few erm roadblock.

I wanted to clean up sanctuary, and I did, but I also wanted to make the front river bigger and deeper, as well as the tiny river from the vault 111 side, while I did some points, I can't seem to make the terrain change at certain points, only a fraction of main river can be deepened while most part right from the bridge (if facing the bridge from sanctuary's side) like that small island don't show the circle and can't be changed. Can anyone tell me how if possible do I do this? The small river also can be terramorphed to limited extent. I'm loading both Fallout master file and Bigger Settlement mod.

My main goal is to build an aesthetically pleasing Sanctuary completely "immersive" not really. I've build a settlement and saved it with Transfer Settlement mod. Which also leads to a question is it possible to load a blueprint into CK or can I load the currently build settlement from a savegame?

Also while I started tinkering with it I just terramorphed some places and cleaned up the settlement, and saved it, then loaded the game with what I did to see if it works, then I decided to continue with the said save, but when I load Fallout master file and my saved changes by making them active, I saw that everything was back.... How to I properly load that work-in-progress without it resetting my progress?

I searched the net for guides but they are limited and did not answer any of my questions.

I would love to get some pointers, and will be grateful for any assistance.

Have a stupendous day anyone who read this.

Edit: I accidentally pressed F5 I think and it fixed the problem with terramorphing the river.

Edited by ShinraRevanshi
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