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[IN NEED OF] Male body basemesh


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First off, you will need nifskope. As for the body mesh, you will need to extract it from the ba2 archive. I donât recall itâs location off hand, but itâs easy enough to find under the ARMA or ARMO reference for human skin in either the CK or F4Edit. Once you have it extracted, open it in nifskope. From there you can export it to an OBJ.
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If you haven't already got it, here's the body, hands and head meshes in .obj form for you.


I find the easiest way to get them is unpack them with BAE, then use outfit studi to convert to .obj format. :wink:


Have fun. :cool:


Oh wow, thank you! :ohmy: And no, I haven't actually had the time to extract the meshes so I truly appreciate it. Again, thanks! :happy:

Edited by HentaiGnome
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