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Help with Mesh


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So, I got hold of an old model another user made long time ago, its a great looking model to be honest but it has one buggy looking thing






One of the belts is attach to the other leg, I was trying to mess around with NifSkope to fix it, but I assume I will need another program for model building,


any idea on how to address that guy?

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You need an older version of Blender. I use this one:



This one is more standard; it has more stuff but requires more to set up:



What you have there is a rigging problem, so here:



That tutorial is how to do rigging and a few other things from scratch. It has a wider scope than what you're looking for but will give you a thorough understanding of how it works and can probably be skimmed for your answer if you like.


Basically, rigging in this case is done via vertex groups, so you want to make sure all the left leg vertices are actually rigged to the left leg and not partially to the right as well. Similarly, you want to rig the belt the same as whatever verts it's wrapped around.


The way it works (according to the standard we follow for this game; not for 3D animation in general) is that each vertex can be rigged to as many bones as you want in the skeleton, and each one that a vert is rigged to has equal influence. The rigging is determined by the vertex groups. So basically, if a vertex is rigged only to the left thigh, it will not be in any other bones' vertex groups and the left thigh bone will have full influence. But if you rig a vertex to the left thigh as well as the left calf, then each bone will have half influence. The tutorial and some hands-on experience should fill in the blanks a bit.

Edited by EPDGaffney
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Well thanks for the quick answer guys,


unfortunately I wasn't able to get it to work, I was getting a flat image in the game rather than a model,




that's a link to the model, it has textures, meshes and the original ESP for fo3 that the author made, if you guys wanna take a look with your skills, its a good model it deserves to be posted!

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I wouldn't mind only that there's loads of models in this file. What exactly are we looking at, and did you manage to fix it in Blender but not get it to export?


Edit: Are these all exact copies of the same mesh with different textures? Does the female version have the same problem?

Edited by EPDGaffney
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I wouldn't mind only that there's loads of models in this file. What exactly are we looking at, and did you manage to fix it in Blender but not get it to export?


Edit: Are these all exact copies of the same mesh with different textures? Does the female version have the same problem?


Oh sorry I didn't explain, yes only the male mesh is showing the problem, female is perfect... and the 5 meshes in male folder are the same model with different textures

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I was expecting as much. So, what does this mean:

unfortunately I wasn't able to get it to work, I was getting a flat image in the game rather than a model,


If you're just having export problems, we can probably sort that out without redoing it. Curious about this 'flat image' however. Doesn't sound like something I've seen in the past, though perhaps I have and would just call it something different.

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If you're just having export problems, we can probably sort that out without redoing it. Curious about this 'flat image' however. Doesn't sound like something I've seen in the past, though perhaps I have and would just call it something different.

Damn I deleted the files after the many tries, I can try again later and see if I get that same result, I'm just short on time because of my job sadly

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