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[WIP] Tales & Tallows: Deathbell

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Chapter I: Tolls of the Deathbell contains a short but complete quest with multiple endings, depending on how you want to treat the situation. We love to give the players options, but at the same time too many options can make the scope of the project too big for us, so we hope this is a good balance. Of course, the other chapters will have different ways for the player to complete them, and the player's action from a previous chapter can affect future chapters. :)

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Tales and Tallows: Deathbell, Chapter I: Tolls of the Deathbell (WIP), has been updated! Thanks and apologies to all who have been waiting for SOMETHING to come out, hehe. We're excited to be moving forward with our mod, and we'd love to hear your thoughts if you want to test it out!



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