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is there a way to get more allowance for your avatar?


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Hi EnglishGentlemen. Thank you for the suggestion. 100KB is indeed a bit limiting and we'll look into whether or not we can increase this limit without negatively effecting the site.


Of course, if you have more questions or suggestions, please feel free to let us know. Thanks!

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So, given that our sites display avatars as a ~200px square maximum, the filesize limitations we impose help to ensure that the forums and other areas of the main site display quickly and efficiently. We'll look into other ways we can accomplish this in the future, but this limitation will likely stay in place for now.

You're welcome,

I'm confused did i not put this on the off topics thread?! :confused: or have i finally lost my marbles? :happy: :laugh:

It was indeed created in the off-topic forum, but it was moved here. No marbles lost! :thumbsup:

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