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archery CTD


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i have been experiencing CTD when i "zoom in" while aiming with a bow. this seems to be happening in both first and third person. there are times when this doesn't happen, but it does more often than not. The only archery mods i have installed are "closer quivers/ longer arrows" and  "Auto Unequip Arrows". i am using an xbox controller for pc, i don't know if that makes a difference or could be the cause (i used to ctd when using the right trigger button to scroll over to the save menu, but that seems to have been resolved). if anyone else has experienced a similar issue or my be able to shed some light on it, i would appreciate it.  thanks.
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i have been experiencing CTD when i "zoom in" while aiming with a bow. this seems to be happening in both first and third person. there are times when this doesn't happen, but it does more often than not. i do not have any archery mods installed other than one that removes the quiver when you unequip the bow. i am using an xbox controller for pc, i don't know if that makes a difference or could be the cause (i used to ctd when using the right trigger button to scroll over to the save menu, but that seems to have been resolved). if anyone else has experienced a similar issue or my be able to shed some light on it, i would appreciate it. thanks.


i have read in someplace..., i don't remember where but it's seem it's a bug in this mod they make this, some pepole have reported this but i don't know if they have make a fix or new update...

Edited by AngeGardien
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