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Coloured Enemy Health not working?


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First post here. I'm having trouble with the Coloured Enemy Health mod.


I copied said files to \Data\Textures\menus\misc\sequence_dds, but it seems to have no effect on my game, as the health bar is the same gold-ish color.


I'd love to be able to get this mod working, but I'm pretty new to modding so am not sure what I could tweak or vary to get this running.


I don't know if this will help but here's all the mods I'm running through OMM:




Here's my BOSS report:


Image 1

Image 2

Image 3



And finally, I changed the DarkUI skin to this one: DarkUI Darn Recolored Dark Blue by Luchaire. Would that have any influence on the Coloured Enemy Health mod?


Other than this problem, everything else runs fine/great, so any possible help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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