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[NPC] Dawn Whitelighter


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Hello there, this is my first request so I'm going to to make this as informative as possible.


What i am asking for is a female follower that can be married.



1. Appearance is based on Djoed's character Slava. I have all mods that he used except for the hair (can't seem to find it. please let me know if you know where it is). Just copy the face and the hair, no need for the armor and ears. if ever you can't find the hair, you can just use the ponytailed hair from the Beautiful hair mod. hair is black


2. She is a Ranger/Restoration/Sneak follower


3. Name her Dawn Whiteighter (shortname: Dawn)


4. Race can just be Nord. But If you can make her Ashen then i would greatly appreciate it :)


5. Leather Armor Set as default armor will do.


6. Max level is 100


7. Happy and Average Confidence



Links that would help you:

Oriental Beauty <-- for the face

Djoed's Savefile <-- for the sliders

Ashen <-- for the race

Beautiful hair <-- for alternative hair


I hope you consider this request. thank you!

Edited by caylewhite
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