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Objective (Quest) Markers Not Appearing


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Hello all!


I just started playing around with the Creation Kit yesterday, and everything was working wonderfully, until I tried to make my first quest. I followed the Creation Kit tutorial (Bendu Olo) and everything worked fine, except for one thing. My objective markers don't show up. The quest progresses perfectly and the objective "messages" appear on the screen when I move from one stage to the next, but there are no objective markers to show the way. I also noticed that when I hover my cursor over the quest in the quests list the (M) "Show on Map" is greyed out.


I realize that this is a noob question, but I've done some searching and it seems like while other people have had similar problems, I've never found a working answer given. Obviously I don't care too much about getting the tutorial quest working, but I've already started working on a custom dungeon/quest to go with it, and I'd like to know how to make sure objective markers will appear in the future. I hope you can help me out.


Thanks a lot for any advice.

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  • 4 months later...

having the exact same problem with my custom quest they map markers were showing up when i created the first quest alias but after adding more alises teh markers are gone and wont show up anymore

I found a solution my man, i deleted all my quest objetives/stages except teh first one then i rebuilt then stage by stage always checkin i had used setobjectivecompleted and setstage for each relevant quest stage. my mod is now finished and uploaded!

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