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A Glass Act


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Lol. Putting glasses on Anime style npcs seems to be a preferred way of making them cute. Since it's a prevailing preference I suppose someone ought to create a mod which allows for the placement of Optometrists. Actually, manufacture of glasses could become a growth industry for Skyrim. Just think, not only would the creation of eye glass technology be needed, but there would be several whole industries needed to provide support for the manufacture and dissemination of eye wear. I suppose the same could be said of firearms, space based weaponry, and Dwemer autos. Now I come to think on it, what with all the bikini outfits being worn by well endowed bimbos I suspect a mod or series of mods should be created which would provide creams, lotions and ointments for the treatment of sunburn and frostbite, not to mention tanning lotions. Egad, an Industrial Revolution in Fantastic Medieval Skyrim. The mind simply boggles at the possibilities.

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