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Tradecraft Fails to Initiate


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I can't figure out why this quest is failing. I've gone through the Railroad intro speech over and over but every time it ends and Deacon is supposed to speak to the main character he instead starts pathing back to the Railroad HQ with the rest of them and Desdemona isn't opening the HQ door. I have tried everything I can think of and all the things I've found on google and absolutely nothing works. It's like the quest just doesn't exist. The only mods I can think that would interfere are maybe the Synth Overhaul or Eli's Factional Overhaul. I've attempted deactivating mods and absolutely nothing. Deacon goes completely nonresponsive and no console command can bring the quest to function. The only thing I can think of at this point is maybe because I have the quest to go see Virgil maybe it's causing the Railroad to stop responding. I don't know. It's driving me insane. :( Might be forced to just kill off the Railroad at the end of the game even though that wasn't my plan.

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