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Correct Nif Import/Export settings for 3DS Max?


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For some reason I can't seem to successfully import and export a vanilla F:NV nif using 3DS Max, even if I make no changes to the model.

Unfortunately all the guides I've managed to find either don't include the import settings, have way less options than I'm seeing or have had the screenshots of the settings killed by Photobucket.


So could anyone please help me out by posting a screenshot of the correct import/export settings? I'd hugely appreciate it, for all I know this could either be a problem with these settings or another issue altogether but either way I won't know until I'm certain I'm using the right import/export settings.


Any help at all is really appreciated!


Here's the options the importer/exporter gives me for reference:


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I use blender so I could be wrong here but for import I don't think you need to import a skeleton unless your attaching it to your mesh and I also don't think you need to any of the animation boxes checked just to do simple mesh work. Maybe someone else who uses 3dsmax knows differently.


Any way this link below should help with the export settings hopefully.


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