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Is Community Action the Answer to Bethnet's Problem?


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Problem is, blaze1514 - Beth will NOT listen to the Community. You could push any idea you want, but it will fall on DEAF BETH EARS.




So let me know if you come up with an idea that will 1st - Get Beth to CARE.


. o O ( good luck with that one. )

if you had posted this exact comment a week earlier, i wouldn't have been able to agree more.


you're still mostly right haha, but i've been feeling a bit optimistic recently about the issue with stolen mods on beth.net. over the last week (starting after Crimsomrider took his mods down), they've removed between 700-800 mods from WIP for FO4 for violating the Terms of Service of the site. that is a huge step in the right direction. it's definitely NOT an excuse for how long it's taken them to do something about the rampant theft there, and it doesn't mean that everything is fixed now. there are still over 2000 mods in WIP for fo4, most of which still probably violate the site rules/are stolen, but it is good to see Bethesda finally doing something.


idk how it is for skyrim there since i've never played it, so i don't check out the mods for it, but i'd imagine it's pretty similar to fallout when it comes to stolen mods, so hopefully bethesda is working on fixing that too.

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Problem is, blaze1514 - Beth will NOT listen to the Community. You could push any idea you want, but it will fall on DEAF BETH EARS.




So let me know if you come up with an idea that will 1st - Get Beth to CARE.


. o O ( good luck with that one. )

if you had posted this exact comment a week earlier, i wouldn't have been able to agree more.


you're still mostly right haha, but i've been feeling a bit optimistic recently about the issue with stolen mods on beth.net. over the last week (starting after Crimsomrider took his mods down), they've removed between 700-800 mods from WIP for FO4 for violating the Terms of Service of the site. that is a huge step in the right direction. it's definitely NOT an excuse for how long it's taken them to do something about the rampant theft there, and it doesn't mean that everything is fixed now. there are still over 2000 mods in WIP for fo4, most of which still probably violate the site rules/are stolen, but it is good to see Bethesda finally doing something.


idk how it is for skyrim there since i've never played it, so i don't check out the mods for it, but i'd imagine it's pretty similar to fallout when it comes to stolen mods, so hopefully bethesda is working on fixing that too.


This is my point. I have linked to other people saying this exact thing in my original posts (the one here or on bethnet). However no one seems to notice. Bethesda is taking action, "for now". So why don't we try and make a move right now while they are interested and trying to do damage control. If we can establish a real WIP reviewing and reporting "team" while they are taking an internist. We might be able to hold that interest for long enough to make a real point here.


Plus everyone seems to be ignoring the other half of the problem that Crimsomrider brought up in their own post. There are many YouTubers that put a giant spotlight on these stolen mods, which makes hundreds flock to certain WIP's that would otherwise go unnoticed or uncared about. Its not going to be nearly as big of an issue if we can stop the YouTubers from waving neon arrows around. These YouTubers get direct profit from highlighting links to illegal mods. This is what I think we as a community could do more about.

Edited by blaze1514
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