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Skyrim Crashing


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I've come back to Skyrim Special Edition after a while. I played a clean game without any mods and it worked, then of course I added some mods, at first everything worked but after a couple of days Skyrim started crashing. I have tried using LOOT (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/1918/) to try and get it to work, so I don't know if it is just my computer itself for its the load order. Thanks.

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You are using ELFX and RLO, I would only use one or the other. Hothtrooper Armor Ecksstra should load before Hothtrooper Armor Compilation; LOOT almost always gets this wrong and so you must manually set that load order. Did you remember to run FINIS before starting game-play? I would also create a Merged Patch with SSEEdit or a Bashed Patch with Wrye Bash or both.


If you do try any of these changes you will have to start a new game.


Really do not know why you have that ELFX-No Breezehome esp in there.

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Really do not know why you have that ELFX-No Breezehome esp in there.

I think it's a patch to not apply ELFX changes to the modded interior cell of Breezhome. I don't really see a purpose for it either, especially because RLO is still being applied, but I doubt that's causing the game to crash.



I've come back to Skyrim Special Edition after a while. I played a clean game without any mods and it worked, then of course I added some mods, at first everything worked but after a couple of days Skyrim started crashing. I have tried using LOOT (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/1918/) to try and get it to work, so I don't know if it is just my computer itself for its the load order. Thanks.


What we really need to know is when it crashes. Does it crash almost immediately after the Bethesda logo, starting a new game, loading a previous save, or during gameplay?

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